organic, minimalist, business and solution architecture

Helping clients with the hard problems

what is architecture?

alt text We are searching for some kind of harmony between two intangibles: a form which we have not yet designed and a context which we cannot properly describe. Notes on the Synthesis of Form - Christopher Alexander

There have been many names given to this role as it applies to business, solution, and product management. Most recently the term “Design Thinking” is en vogue. Previous iterations included “Systems Thinking” or “Holistic Design”.

Whatever the latest language, an architect’s role, whether creating or validating a business model, modeling an enterprise, designing a product, or defining a solution, is to deeply consider, lead, and frame processes and systems that deliver desired outcomes.

Because well-designed systems are dynamic, the architect also defines the way an orgnization gathers value from a system’s feedback loops as well as take advantage of new powerful postive externalities.

Stated simply, a good architect delivers solutions that: alt text From Maturana and Varela who coined the term “autopoiesis” (from Greek αὐτo- (auto-), meaning ‘self’, and ποίησις (poiesis), meaning ‘creation, production’) refering to self enforcing and reproducing systems. This paper outlines some of their theories. The Cognitive Theories of Maturana and Varela


The approach brings together two key aspects of effective strategy to task execution:

  1. Understanding: providing rigorous, pragmatic, model and method driven analysis
  2. Energy: helping clients realize decisions by generating the momentum to execute a course of action

The practice is based on the following characteristics:

guides practitioners and participants with actions, methods, models, and heuristics - all of which we call recipes.
Learning focused
specifies actions as part of patterns that can be learned and executed.
Outcome driven
analyzes outcomes and data that result from actions and reconstructs the patterns that produced them.
adjusts, iterates, and evolves patterns to drive toward desired outcomes.
Discursive and constructive
works with clients to develop the assumptions that inform patterns and recipes.
Pragmatic and applied
made to be implemented in the real world and grounded in practical application.

Feel free to look through and use our recipes.

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